#RPGaDay2023 Event

It is nearly August, so once again a time for #RPGaDay, a month of positive posts about role-playing games. David F Chapman (@autocratik) and Anthony Boyd (@Runeslinger) return again this year to bring us #RPGaDay2023, now in the 10th year. For more information visit: https://www.autocratik.com/2023/07/this-august-10th-rpgaday.html & https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=595127079430619
Here is the Brazilian Portuguese translation, by myself and Eric Souza 🙂


Em agosto deste ano, vocĂȘ estĂĄ convidado a participar do DÉCIMO desafio anual RPGaDAY, que celebra tudo o que amamos em nosso hobby de mesa.

A versĂŁo em texto desses avisos estarĂĄ disponĂ­vel no final desta postagem, mas vocĂȘ notarĂĄ que certas palavras em cada aviso foram apresentadas em maiĂșsculas/negrito. Ao longo das vĂĄrias encarnaçÔes do #RPGaDAY, fizemos experiĂȘncias com perguntas simples e sugestĂ”es de uma Ășnica palavra. Assim como a tripulação da Enterprise experimentou, este Ă© o melhor dos dois mundos. Assim, vocĂȘ terĂĄ TRÊS maneiras de abordar cada dia de agosto

1) Se vocĂȘ nunca participou do #RPGaDAY antes, ou se chegou a ele mais recentemente, basta olhar para o prompt do dia e usĂĄ-lo para inspirar uma postagem na mĂ­dia social para divulgar tudo o que Ă© legal e, acima de tudo, positivo, sobre os jogos de RPG de mesa.

2) Se a solicitação nĂŁo inspirar, observe a palavra destacada e use-a como solicitação. Por exemplo, o dia 4 pergunta “Most RECENT game bought” (O jogo mais recente comprado). Se vocĂȘ nĂŁo tiver comprado um jogo hĂĄ algum tempo ou nĂŁo quiser dizer qual foi o jogo, pode usar a palavra RECENTE como estĂ­mulo e falar sobre um jogo recente que tenha jogado ou que tenha assistido.

3) A outra maneira de fazer o #RPGaDAY, e essa Ă© a que mais me interessa, Ă© usar as sugestĂ”es para inspirar uma publicação nas mĂ­dias sociais normalmente, mas se vocĂȘ participou do primeiro #RPGaDAY (ou tem uma ideia muito boa do que teria respondido naquela Ă©poca) compare suas respostas. Isso pode revelar se seu personagem favorito ou seu sistema de jogo favorito mudou. SerĂĄ interessante ver se suas opiniĂ”es mudaram com o passar dos anos. Se estiver fazendo isso, algumas das perguntas tĂȘm “(este ano)” adicionado para que vocĂȘ nĂŁo repita simplesmente a mesma resposta.

Lembre-se de que o objetivo Ă© divulgar a positividade. Nada de reclamar de algo ou dizer que algo Ă© ruim. Conte-nos o que vocĂȘ ama, o que vocĂȘ gosta de jogar, os grandes jogos que vocĂȘ experimentou e como esses jogos tiveram um impacto positivo em vocĂȘ.

Lembre-se tambĂ©m de marcar tudo com a tag #RPGaDAY2023. E lembre-se tambĂ©m de que isso acontece em agosto. Sempre compartilho os prompts com um mĂȘs de antecedĂȘncia para que as traduçÔes sejam compartilhadas e para que o maior nĂșmero possĂ­vel de pessoas participe, alĂ©m de dar aos vloggers e podcasters a chance de preparar seus episĂłdios com antecedĂȘncia e aliviar um pouco a tensĂŁo de tentar produzir 31 posts em um mĂȘs.

Espero que vocĂȘs se divirtam novamente este ano, vendo como as coisas mudaram.

VersĂŁo em texto dos prompts (portuguĂȘs)

1) PRIMEIRO RPG jogado (este ano)

2) Primeiro MESTRE DO JOGO de RPG

3) Primeiro RPG COMPRADO (este ano)

4) Jogo comprado mais RECENTE

5) Jogo mais ANTIGO que vocĂȘ jĂĄ jogou

6) Jogo favorito que vocĂȘ NUNCA conseguiu jogar


8) PERSONAGEM favorito

9) DADOS favoritos

10) FICÇÃO associada favorita

11) Jogo mais ESTRANHO que vocĂȘ jĂĄ jogou

12) Jogo antigo que vocĂȘ AINDA joga

13) Personagem mais memorĂĄvel que MORREU

14) Sua compra favorita em uma CONVENÇÃO

15) MÓDULO / ONE-SHOT favorito da convenção

16) Jogo que vocĂȘ DESEJA de ter

17) Jogo MAIS ENGRAÇADO que vocĂȘ jĂĄ jogou

18) SISTEMA de jogo favorito

19) Aventura PUBLICADA favorita

20) Ainda jogarĂĄ daqui a VINTE anos

21) RPG LICENCIADO favorito

22) Melhor compra de RPG DE SEGUNDA MÃO/USADO

23) Produto/livro de RPG MAIS LEGAL

24) RPG COMPLEXO / SIMPLES que vocĂȘ joga

25) RPG NÃO JOGADO que vocĂȘ possui


27) Jogo do qual vocĂȘ gostaria de ter uma nova EDIÇÃO

28) Jogo MAIS ASSUSTADOR que vocĂȘ jĂĄ jogou

29) ENCONTRO mais memorĂĄvel

30) RPG OBSCURO que vocĂȘ jĂĄ jogou

31) RPG FAVORITO de todos os tempos

Resumo dos prompts de uma Ășnica palavra (portuguĂȘs)
































Prelude – Secret Rage PBM 6

This continues on from part 1 PBM Thanks & Secret Rage.

It has been a while since I blogged about my #SecretRage PBM campaign, Richie and I have been busy so it has been on the back burner. This at least allowed me to explore ways to link ideas about the potential psychology of spirits, something that relates to two other projects. I considered abandoning this campaign and playtesting my new setting, but since I’ve put a lot of preparation in to this campaign, plus Richie and I wanted to play Werewolf, I decided to stick with things. I participated in #RPGaDay again this year, I mentioned #SecretRage on several of the days. For Day 26 I talked about Ambitions.

This urge to keep changing projects is an ongoing problem for me, so I gave myself a deadline; following advice from The Bestseller Experiment. I finished up the comic pages and the introductory turn as well. Finalising everything for this project helped re-inspire my passion for #SecretRage, plus given me inspiration to run something else, Cyberpunk, D&D, Pendragon, Cthulhu, etc.

I won’t be posting the turn data since I’ve added another player, plus I am considering inviting other players to join in, maybe some of the people from the #RPGaDay community. Below are those comic pages, which once again I found the writing of to be an interesting puzzle to figure out, in part due to writing about a messed-up Luna, but also because comic writing is different.

#SecretRage 07#SecretRage 08#SecretRage 09+10#SecretRage 11#SecretRage 12#SecretRage 13#SecretRage 14#SecretRage 15+16

#RPGaDay2018 Day31 Why Join In

Share why you take part in RPGaDAY

I went with a silly but heartfelt video for today’s question; I clearly need to practice puppet skills, or my dreams of a puppet RPG will never happen. I had pondered mentioning more things, but I decided to save them for a post-RPGaDay analysis, like I did last year.

I’m still a bit tempted to go a bit overboard and carry out a psychology content analysis, but too much TODO and I am trying to stick to Project Overlap 😉 At least taking part and looking at some many tweets, blogs and vlogs means I got a decent overview of answers, which whilst taking a lot of time was very informative and fun.

#RPGaDay2018 Day30 Lessons

Share something you learned about playing your character

When discussing role-playing I typically mention Intent, whether it is about something that is In Character (IC) or Out Of Character (OOC). This approach grew out of my early experiences of being in games with Adversarial stances, both players and person running the game. I like to have clarity of what a person is trying to achieve, not just IC but also OOC. I don’t obsessively ask the question, I let me players know they can clarify something at any time during a game, and just occasionally check with them if I feel I might be missing something. I find this approach has allowed me to empower not just the players but myself as the GM, and ideally the game as a whole.

I’ve learnt a lot more from particular characters and RPG in general. Empathy, culture, history, art, etc. But since we are keeping things short Intent is my main takeaway, which I also use in day-to-day life a lot.

The story of my first regular lunchtime High School gaming group: Role-play Meets Lord of the Flies.

RPG Lord of the Flies

#RPGaDay2018 Day29 Friendship

Share a friendship you have because of RPGs

My answer to the 29th question is a day late since I slept most of yesterday. More slow health improvements, whilst having the classic odd feeling of being more tired.

Another great RPGaDay question, it was nice reading/listening to other people describing their friendships. Granted some view this question as being too sentimental, but I think that this question captures a core of the RPGaDay’s message: positivity. Another thought that occurred to me after I made the video is how this question ties back to Connections, they are a core part of role-playing, whether connections to people and/or ideas. Connections help provide meaning and motivation, just as they do in real life.

Like many role-players I have many friends due to the hobby, but there was one key friendship:


#RPGaDay2018 Day28 inspiring gaming excellence

Share whose inspiring gaming excellence you’re grateful for

As I mentioned in the video: anyone that puts effort into playing. I adore excellence, but I appreciate effort far more!

I forgot to mention the dedication of Ian A A Watson to get the Trinity universe back #TrinityContinuum

The Peter Austin blog I reference is 5 Positive Role-Play Lessons.

5 Positive Role-Play Lessons

I blogged about Richie Janukowicz: Inspirational Friends.

Inspirational Friends Richie

#RPGaDay2018 Day27 Value of Actual Play

Share a great stream / actual play My video has a #RPGDeepDive (rant) that I think stays positive: Summary of video: Initially I wasn’t going to answer this question, in part because I’m not a regular watcher of any Actual Plays. More importantly I assumed numerous people will be posting all sorts of interesting and … Continue reading “#RPGaDay2018 Day27 Value of Actual Play”

Share a great stream / actual play

My video has a #RPGDeepDive (rant) that I think stays positive:

Summary of video: Initially I wasn’t going to answer this question, in part because I’m not a regular watcher of any Actual Plays. More importantly I assumed numerous people will be posting all sorts of interesting and obscure links, I’d have little to add in comparison. Additionally this subject is a touchy one with some players; unsurprisingly I have seen quite a few negative comments today. With this event being positive I didn’t want to feel compelled to do a #RPGDeepDive in which I’d be inclined to address negative things. Thankfully the RPGaDay positivity has won through for me, several good comments got me thinking, plus I decided something like this opening meant I was not ignoring the complexity of this subject 😉 (I’ve read a lot of posts and watched a lot of videos). Actual Play + Streams add to the hobby they don’t reduce or remove anything. Yes some people may have a narrow view, this was true of the RPG hobby previously with some anyway, also the hobby is not in threat like it was in the 80s.

Over the years I’ve thought about doing an Actual Play. My main group are not up for being recorded, I don’t have a decent setup, equipment, etc. Since over the years I generally play face-to-face at tabletop or LARP, or Play-by-Mail (also email), I’ve not needed to video anything. For my games there are generally detailed notes of the main events in the game, typically individual PC actions have private notes, so decades ago one of the players started making audio recordings of the sessions to help with group notes. Sadly we don’t keep any of the recordings. I’ve sat on a few ideas about an Actual Play for PBM, one day I’ll do that 😉




Roberto Micheri

Ede Sol Media

Actual Plays (AP) / Streams

Bluebeard’s Bride by @RuffleJax https://www.twitch.tv/videos/297031373

Happy Jacks RPG The Darknet – GURPS

More AP recommendations in other peoples’ videos.

#RPGaDay2018 Day26 RPG Ambition

Gaming ambition for the next 12 months

Lots of people posting information about their quite interesting ambitions for their next 12 months, inspiring to see what people are thinking about. Due to limited time I’ve kept my video short, partly because I plan on more blogs and videos about one of my ambitions for the next 12 months.

I’ve not run an in-depth PBM game since working at KJC Games. I’ve done little bits but nothing major, mostly because I always come back to my main ambition: better GM & Player tools. I am still in the midst of writing a novel, plus a few short stories I keep playing with, too many things, so I decided that 2018 should be the year of Project Overlap. Scaling ideas back, managing health better and better time management are how I plan to achieve my ambition.

Since I touched on D&D and Pendragon in my video, here is Runeslinger talking about his plans. Any similarity between my video and Antony’s is entirely down to me imitating him 😉

So many plans:

Big plans at The GM Table

Plus so many more 🙂

#RPGaDay2018 Day25 Impactful Game

Game that had an impact on you in the last 12 months?

I attempted another outdoor video today, more learning, plus the fun of deciding what to cut. Initially I recorded a stream of consciousness, but the sound quality was awful. I’ve blogged about what I cut out.

I mentioned returning to Mage: the Ascension, using the 20th anniversary edition. How this game in particular relates to my ongoing obsession with RPG & Psychology. As well as constantly striving to learn new ways to link abstract seemingly unconnected ideas; without resorting to a simple answer like using programming OOPS framework of declaring everything an Object, or similar 😉

Orion Sphere a new UK LARP game. It was wonderful to return to LARP after a few years break and to play a game that somehow managed to capture part of the essence of a festival LARP yet also the close-knit aspect of a small LARP. I’ve yet to write a blog about it, I shall do so after this year’s RPGaDay ends. Next event is in September.

I have managed to do a bit more work on my own projects. The playtest of the Elemental Masters last year highlighted a few things, but in particular the need for GM and player tools. Years ago I thought there are so many great RPGs out there, that I didn’t want to make a standard tabletop game. The hobby’s growing wide range of games has further highlighted why I thought this years ago. Of going since I choose to go epic with my designs I accepted the time investment

So my waffling led me to the answer of: Sigmata by Chad Walker. When I heard it announced I thought of it was something new and interesting, retro-Cyberpunk, I even imagined things like the film They Live as I speculated what The Signal could be.

A cyberpunk tabletop role-playing game about ethical insurgency against a fascist regime, taking place in a dystopian vision of 1980’s America. Players assume the role of Receivers, the superheroic vanguard of the Resistance, who possess incredible powers when in range of FM radio towers emitting a mysterious number sequence called “The Signal.” When the Signal is up, Receivers lead the charge against battalions of Regime infantry and armor or serve as the People’s Shield, protecting mass demonstrations from the brutality of a militarized police force and neo-Nazi hooligans. When the Signal is down, however, Receivers are mere mortals, desperately fleeing from a powerful state that senses their weakness.

Sadly I’ve not managed to play much in the last year, chronic pain and severe sleep deprivation continued to plague my daily ability to do much, and sometimes even think. Overall I have managed to read a lot; I have reread a lot of RPGs, as well as look at games that are new to me. The competition for gaming time is becoming increasingly challenging, there are so many quality products to choose between. So even though I’ve not even finished the Sigmata book I have chosen it because it has already had a massive impact upon me. It has already helped me reframe a lot of ideas. For me Sigmata encapsulates so many different and difficult aspects into a cool sounding game. Even for someone playing traditional fantasy RPGs, like D&D, consider how many campaigns are about defeating evil rulers, or even vast empires, Sigmata can help provide another few tools to a group’s RPG toolkit. I hope to be able to report about playing it soon.

#RPGaDay2018 Day24 RPG more recognition

Which RPG do you think deserves more recognition?

The #RPGaDay event has helped highlight a lot of games that I should check out and today’s question further emphasises this. I’ve looked at many tweets, blogs and videos from other #RPGaDay participants, lots of great suggestions being made.

Over the years I’ve encountered many people who assume the RPG means a computer game, technically a CRPG, but typically called an RPG. Whilst I love plenty of CRPG, I wish a better label had been used, meh.

I discuss GURPS and Cryptomancer in my video for today 🙂

Other posts worth checking out:

Autocratik post today

Runeslinger’s post today. Then watch his video 😉

A great point from ivanmike1968: