Warrior’s Fist 41 Street Fighter Translation

Here is the translation for the Street Fighter RPG (SFRPG) Brazilian fanzine: Punho do Guerreiro (Warrior’s Fist). Thank you to Eric and the team for this edition, also an extra thank you to Eric for translation assistance. This issue has a look large scale battles, but from the P.o.V. of an individual. A fusion with Star Wars, with Styles for both Jedi and Sith, plus rules for Lightsabre and ship stats. Additionally, a system for adapting the Street Fighter hex map for space battles, plus how to compare a character against a ship. New Special Maneuvers are Psychokinesis and Head Blocking. The Circuit Legend is Yusuke Urameshi, the Spirit Detective from YuYu Hakusho. Warrior’s Fist 41. The up to date version of Punho do Guerreiro (Warrior’s Fist) PDF Article List, plus there is an online spreadsheet. This PDF and my other SFRPG creations can be downloaded from this folder. For the many translations check out this folder, this includes all the Warrior’s Fist (PdG) issues, plus the Arena Maps as separate files. Virtual Combat Cards.The epic duo Circuit Guide and Circuit Guide – Basic, both Solo systems (Meet the Strongest & Dominus), World Tour, Spartacus, Tekken, Darkstalkers, Guilty Gear, Killer Instinct, Double Dragon, Virtua Fighter, Mortal Kombat files, King of Fighters, Jackie Chan, Kengan Ashura, Hajime no Ippo, Samurai Shodown, Breakers, and WF maps & extras. The whole folder can be downloaded as a Zip file 🙂

Author: Batjutsu

Writer, role-player, games master, martial artist, programmer, disabled but not giving up. https://dice.camp/@batjutsu https://bsky.app/profile/batjutsu.bsky.social https://twitter.com/Batjutsu