24 #RPGaDay2020 Humour

One of my favourite chronicles was a Changeling: the Dreaming game, each session generally had from 7 to 9 players, most of them also played LARP, so there were used to staying IC for hours at a time and chatting. Changeling can easily bounce between a wonderful mix of colourful fun and dark sadness, often intercut with humour that matches the mood. Part of the secret to the fun for that campaign was, after the PCs resolved a bunch of problems I didn’t rush to introduce new plot threads, because they had shown a desire to dig into each other’s history, so. Several sessions later the PCs had a long journey to undertake, instead of redlining (Indiana Jones) or a random encounter to break the trip up and ‘prove’ it was a dangerous trip, instead it was a dysfunctional group road trip; lots of minibus dialogue and herding cat toilet breaks. Sadly most of the players moved away over the years, so were got to play another chronicle, but one of those PCs is still active.

Amongst my old various groups, three of those Changeling players were known for their comedy prowess. How they would sometimes frame their character actions and attire, the little details they would add, in addition to what they said, that did so much of the comedic heavy lifting. Over the decades chatting with those players in particular helped me appreciate more comedic RP, and how to change how I framed a game moment, to try and have more than a one-liner. I generally have to prepare a comedy scene in advance, still not an area that comes easy to me, but with practice I’ve improved a bit. Helpfully Tony Zhou made an Every Frame a Painting video explaining the power of visual comedy vs a one-line presented in a flat way:

Partly inspired by that chronicle, years ago I pondered having LT LARP character of many years become a stand-up comic. I tested some of the material and got a reasonable amount of laughter, granted in part because of how awful a few of the jokes intentionally were. I’d played this character on and off over 13 years by the time I considered it, the character had changed a lot, going from confused human, to part Sluagh, part Fate Elemental. Those plans got postponed as many things happened in game. My current Orion Sphere LARP character is sort of a joke, but I decided against trying to be a galactic comedian; maybe if this character dies… but they are fun to play, so I am not in a rush 😉

Street Fighter RPG

All the groups I’ve played with liked the optional rules for Activation Words. How we use breath is a major factor in exercise, and thus fighting. Grunts and other sound exertions have also been shown to be a factor, but that is a complex topic in real life. Back to SFRPG, character’s channelling their breath into particular sounds during special maneuvers is not too far from reality, for super powered individuals. 😉

The usefulness of energetic yells, kiai in Japanese, is itself a fascinating area of study. Whilst practicing various martial arts over the years I’ve come across a few novel shouts. I was told about my favourite kiai by a friend, one of their Taekwondo partners who would quickly shout “Get away!” whilst doing a front kick, although more like a Muay Thai teep; the speed and anger in that “Get away!” declaration was apparently shocking.

In my experience, Activation Words are generally seen as a fun comedic addition to the game. This is maybe why some of the players I’ve played with have used the old Batman TV series words, or utilised random generators to either use a gibberish word outright, or to modify real words.



Various Gobbledygook or Gibberish languages

Using different maneuver names and tweaking them with random syllables was one method I’ve used. For example the old Warhammer Slaves to Darkness (Realms of Chaos) random daemon name generator was one method I used in the past to make up nonsensical words: rhoouuy phaoq’ wailash ulaa http://www.paper-dragon.com/fantasyland/daemon.html

Angelic/Demonic or made up colours generator https://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=adname https://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=color

A list of different shouts is collected at: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Kiai

I’m tempted to make a decent generator, but that will likely be a bit of work; I guess not a productive use of time. Besides some players are happy with a dull but slightly silly, “No!” for Block, which has been chosen by several groups I’ve played with. Whilst one creative player had all sorts of words, like “Waadooy!” for a fast/springy maneuver, like Jump or Kippup. I shall ask the SFRPG community as maybe someone has already made a list, or even a generator.

Other Peoples’ Answers

Kehaar @DissectingWrlds


Anthony Boyd @Runeslinger


Charles Etheridge-Nunn @charlie_en


Craig Oxbrow @CraigOxbrow



Gordon Cooper @Cuparius




Eric Jacobson @viscounteric


John M. Kahane @jkahane1


Geek-Life Balance @cybogoblin


Melestrua @Melestrua


Insomniac @1nsomniac13


This is a non-exhaustive list; I still have many posts to read today, so I might be adding more links. I’d recommend searching the hashtag and judge those great answers for yourself: #RPGaDay2020, some people use #RPGaDay.

UKSBS at Orion Sphere

I’ve uploaded the 2nd video about Orion Sphere LRP event 1, this time focusing on the wonderful UK Starship Bridge Simulator (UKSBS).

Focusing on the ship missions at Orion Sphere, the combined efforts of the Orion Sphere (Conan Daly, Michael Rees & Nathan McDonald) and UKSBS (Wayne Street, Raymond Toghill & James Balls) teams was very impressive. Like any creative project, creating the ideas for a new game universe can become a black hole, filled with constant research. Add to this the care of managing the inspiration of other universes, whilst giving things your own spin; all of course with the time pressure of: eek the event draws ever closer! It was revealed at the end of the event that the two teams had not worked together before, making things more impressive.

As a coder that has also dabbled with the Unreal Engine and Blender, I have an appreciation of how much effort & time it takes to design assets and populate a map, never mind the tweaking and playtesting that comes after that. This then leads back to the point I mention in the video about being able to moderate ship missions in real time, plus staying In Character (IC), bringing together a collection of ‘a very particular set of skills’ 😉

Of course there were teething problems, I don’t want to misrepresent things and imply perfection. Plus as I mention in the video the learning curve of the players. I think the foundations for this aspect of the LARP has been well established, providing a solid basis for future events. Another important part of both software development and world building is building up a library of assets to help speed up the creation of new assets easier. A quick reality check is that this is being done by small teams, so health, work, etc., can get in the way, so I remind myself not to demand excellence just appreciate it when it is there 🙂

Orion Sphere has been designed to be a living universe, to allow the players to add lore and their own stories, to strive to maximise player agency. The UKSBS has helped create and run a key part of that universe, setting a high bar, which technically was not required to make Orion Sphere event 1 so impressive. To repeat what I say in my video: amazing!

Check out this video for a tour of the system used in event 1:


Orion Sphere Links








Orion Sphere LARP

The Live Action Role Playing  (LARP/LRP) event 1 of Orion Sphere was awesome. The next event is on the 21st September, you should join in 😀 (links below).

Unfortunately this review is a bit behind schedule, due to health and other priorities. When I returned to finalising my thoughts I was once again unsure how to condense the emotional high and overall fun that I had at Orion Sphere event 1, so I decided to record a stream of consciousness and see what came out. I also decided to go an extra step for my overview and put on some of my kit for Lucian Thomson; failed surgeon to space docker now scientific explorer. The root of the kit and character idea came from a fellow player’s obsession with dungarees.

As I mention in the video I think the game combines some of the scale of a festival LARP along with a smaller club / convention LARP was impressive. Considering the crew and players I am sure this spirit will be maintained, especially as the game grows.

Having a setting that brings classic Sci Fi like Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and so many others was a great starting point. As I mention in the video the four Factions help set the stage for player plot and tension, building upon a rich and growing lore. Like most people I’ve so many things to do, but I’d like to write some lore and after event 2 I’ll chat with the design team about this.

As mentioned above my kit had a silly root, but turned out okay, in part because of the wonderfully diverse Free Union fashion sense 😉

Orion Sphere E1
Preparing to fight/save the hive.

The variety of NERF designs being made by players was very impressive. I made 3 guns, here is one of them:

Orion Sphere Batjutsu NERF
Orion Sphere Batjutsu NERF

As I mentioned in the video the event was awesome. Besides the usual pre-event apprehension I am super excited for Event 2; although sadly my In Character (IC) nephew cannot attend. I am currently working on kit & prop ideas; given the kit standard at the first event was impressive, I imagine other people are going to be bringing some incredible designs. Lots of great kit can be seen at the Orion Sphere website and their Facebook page, but for example just look at this Reskan (sentient swarm) outfit:

Reclining Reskan Orion Sphere E1

Plus the ever incredible outfits of Tom Roe, owner of WhiteStar Clothing (link below):

Orion Sphere Tom Roe
Free Union NPC, played by Tom Roe of WhiteStar Clothing

The ship simulating setup added a great immersive aspect to the game. I am sure the game would have been good enough without the UK Starship Bridge Simulator (UKSBS), but what Wayne and Raymond brought uplifted the game to cosmic heights 😉  I will go into more detail about them in the next blog.

Orion Sphere UKSBS setup
Orion Sphere computer setup for ship missions, run by UKSBS

Thanks to Orion Sphere, SJEgan Photography and Andrew Forrest for some of the pictures. On the subject of pictures, during the run up to the first event a few of us started making memes. Here’s one of my lame attempts:

Orion Sphere skill choice
Lots of character creation options, including making mega specialists 😉

Orion Sphere Links







#RPGaDay2018 Day25 Impactful Game

Game that had an impact on you in the last 12 months?

I attempted another outdoor video today, more learning, plus the fun of deciding what to cut. Initially I recorded a stream of consciousness, but the sound quality was awful. I’ve blogged about what I cut out.

I mentioned returning to Mage: the Ascension, using the 20th anniversary edition. How this game in particular relates to my ongoing obsession with RPG & Psychology. As well as constantly striving to learn new ways to link abstract seemingly unconnected ideas; without resorting to a simple answer like using programming OOPS framework of declaring everything an Object, or similar 😉

Orion Sphere a new UK LARP game. It was wonderful to return to LARP after a few years break and to play a game that somehow managed to capture part of the essence of a festival LARP yet also the close-knit aspect of a small LARP. I’ve yet to write a blog about it, I shall do so after this year’s RPGaDay ends. Next event is in September.

I have managed to do a bit more work on my own projects. The playtest of the Elemental Masters last year highlighted a few things, but in particular the need for GM and player tools. Years ago I thought there are so many great RPGs out there, that I didn’t want to make a standard tabletop game. The hobby’s growing wide range of games has further highlighted why I thought this years ago. Of going since I choose to go epic with my designs I accepted the time investment

So my waffling led me to the answer of: Sigmata by Chad Walker. When I heard it announced I thought of it was something new and interesting, retro-Cyberpunk, I even imagined things like the film They Live as I speculated what The Signal could be.

A cyberpunk tabletop role-playing game about ethical insurgency against a fascist regime, taking place in a dystopian vision of 1980’s America. Players assume the role of Receivers, the superheroic vanguard of the Resistance, who possess incredible powers when in range of FM radio towers emitting a mysterious number sequence called “The Signal.” When the Signal is up, Receivers lead the charge against battalions of Regime infantry and armor or serve as the People’s Shield, protecting mass demonstrations from the brutality of a militarized police force and neo-Nazi hooligans. When the Signal is down, however, Receivers are mere mortals, desperately fleeing from a powerful state that senses their weakness.

Sadly I’ve not managed to play much in the last year, chronic pain and severe sleep deprivation continued to plague my daily ability to do much, and sometimes even think. Overall I have managed to read a lot; I have reread a lot of RPGs, as well as look at games that are new to me. The competition for gaming time is becoming increasingly challenging, there are so many quality products to choose between. So even though I’ve not even finished the Sigmata book I have chosen it because it has already had a massive impact upon me. It has already helped me reframe a lot of ideas. For me Sigmata encapsulates so many different and difficult aspects into a cool sounding game. Even for someone playing traditional fantasy RPGs, like D&D, consider how many campaigns are about defeating evil rulers, or even vast empires, Sigmata can help provide another few tools to a group’s RPG toolkit. I hope to be able to report about playing it soon.