#RPGaDay2018 Day28 inspiring gaming excellence

Share whose inspiring gaming excellence you’re grateful for

As I mentioned in the video: anyone that puts effort into playing. I adore excellence, but I appreciate effort far more!

I forgot to mention the dedication of Ian A A Watson to get the Trinity universe back #TrinityContinuum

The Peter Austin blog I reference is 5 Positive Role-Play Lessons.

5 Positive Role-Play Lessons

I blogged about Richie Janukowicz: Inspirational Friends.

Inspirational Friends Richie

Author: Batjutsu

Writer, role-player, games master, martial artist, programmer, disabled but not giving up. https://dice.camp/@batjutsu https://bsky.app/profile/batjutsu.bsky.social https://twitter.com/Batjutsu

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